Our philosophy

Our founders are technology and investment entrepreneurs that have seen how previous tech waves, such as internet, cloud and mobile, have reshaped one industry after another in the last 25 years. They founded Finnovista in 2013 with the vision that technology entrepreneurship and startup mindset will transform financial services for the better.

We are firm believers that the best way to transform financial services is by investing and supporting Fintech founders at the earliest stages. We are completely focused on being the first investor and most trusted VC partner for the best Fintech entrepreneurs in Spanish-speaking LATAM.

Fintech companies confront unique challenges and needs to build and scale their products and services.

Fintech is hard, Fintech in LATAM is harder,
but you are not alone

We believe in the power of the Fintech ecosystem and traditional financial services industry to help early Fintech startups with their expertise, contacts, investments and other key assets.

Unlike other industries, we believe that many times Fintech startups need to collaborate and partner with traditional financial institutions and other corporations. This is especially the case for Fintech infrastructure and embedded Fintech plays, where a balanced collaboration with incumbents can make the difference between accelerated success and failure. We can bridge the gap between the old and the new for Fintech startups that require it by helping it build balanced partnerships with key industry players in the region.

Profound financial pain still exists in Spanish-speaking LATAM. That is the problem to be solved. We are convinced that Fintech will become the next wave of technology that will be embedded in every sector, thus igniting digital financial innovation and serving digital financial services to everyone’s day-to-day experience across the region.

For Fintech entrepreneurs to reach the potential in LATAM, they need:

To solve the equity gap at the earliest stages

To tap into ecosystem and industry expertise, network and assets

Finnovista.vc is the trusted partner that aims to assist entrepreneurs in this challenging journey and set their venture on a sustainable growth path.


What our entrepreneurs say about us

  • “Thanks to Finnovista.vc and its acceleration program, we established high valuable connections with banks such as HSBC and Banregio, as well as Visa, that led us to new opportunities and knowledge in the world of payments.”
    Antonio Pelaez

    Founder & CEO - Dapp

  • "The Finnovista.vc team is very talented. It is surprising above all because it is a team made up of people who are passionate about what they do and about helping the companies in their portfolio. You don't find that easily."
    Julio Pernía

    Founder & CEO - Bdeo

  • "What distinguishes Finnovista.vc from other vc firms is its great strength in terms of contacts, support network and the alumni you have access to afterwards. Their accelerator program has produced several super valuable and successful companies that are already part of their portfolio. All that mentoring, contacts and support network has been very valuable for Finerio Connect since we started the program."
    Nick Grassi

    Cofundador & Co-CEO - Finerio Connect

  • “The acceleration process was extremely successful: the Finnovista team helped us detect what we should do differently in Mexico in terms of commercial launch, to validate our product in this market and understand how funding worked here. During the program, we got our first clients and close a deal with Latinia as our first investor”.
    Ximena Aleman

    Co-Founder & Chief Business Developer Officer - Prometeo

  • "Finnovista.vc gave us the first stamp of confidence, making us see that the company could be something real, that we could start building on what until then was an idea. Thanks to our passage through their acceleration program we also got the first contact with a debt fund that later financed Atrato. The value of working with the Finnovista.vc team comes from everywhere: the program, the contacts, the financial support".  
    Juan Casián

    Cofundador & Co-CEO - Atrato

  • "Finnovista.vc's support during the acceleration program and all these years has been of great value to us at Vexi. The access to Finnovista.vc network of contacts, both in Mexico and in the rest of Latin America and the United States, is simply spectacular".
    Gabriela Estrada

    Co-Founder & CEO - Vexi